If you are thinking about selling, or already have your business up for sale, you don’t want to make any crucial mistakes that will cost you big time.
Most business owners only sell one business in their lifetime. The results of this sale have a major impact on the financial future of the family. You may be an expert in business development, but totally in the dark about most aspects of the best way to sell.
A colleague of mine, Dave Kauppi makes his living helping business owners get the maximum return from their business sales. He has extensive knowledge of the mistakes made by owners attempting to handle the sales process without professional help and can make sure your business is not a victim of unintended financial disaster.
Dave publishes the Exit Strategist Newsletter. It contains a wealth of useful advice to help guide you through your business sale. The subscription is complimentary and I urge you to sign up on his website.
Go to www.midmarkcap.com/exit and start learning how to reduce taxes, put together creative deal structures, perform valuations, employ buyer negotiation tactics and much more.
You owe it to yourself to learn how to structure your business sale to your own advantage and have a place to turn when you need some help. Wouldn’t you rather learn from the mistakes of other business sellers instead of being the one to suffer the consequences?
You can also reach Dave directly by calling 630-325-0123 or emailing him at davekauppi@midmarkcap.com .
Paula Straub
Fill out a Confidential Qualification Questionnaire and see if you qualify to save capital gains tax. Go to
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