As I meet with clients on a daily basis, it's clear that just about everyone wants to get the highest return on investments, have no risk, pay as little as possible for insurance premiums-but have maximum coverage, retire early and live in the home of their dreams.
When I ask what they will give up to obtain these things, they would prefer not to give up anything. If only life worked that way!
It's clear that in today's world we are more of a society that feels entitled. Work ethic, personal sacrifice, and plain old hard labor are harder to find than in years past.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of people work and work and never seem to get ahead. It's the ones with good jobs, lots of toys and no savings that are in for a rude awaking as they approach their retirement years.
With all the recent tradgedies in the gulf coast, we would all do well to think about the important things. Family, friends, personal abilities. We each may be faced with starting from scratch and rebuilding our lives from the ground up, with or without our loved ones.
I still believe what you put out is what is returned to you in due time. So, next time you think you are "entitled" to something, ask yourself why. You may be surprised when you can't come up with a good answer.
Paula Straub
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