Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Why You should be on the next Teleclass

I have a great website which invites anyone who does not want to pay capital gains tax on the sale of their investment property to a teleclass in which they learn their options.

There is also a question box where you can ask questions and get a direct response.

Those who have done either are incredibly glad they did because they have walked away with valuable information on how they can save capital gains tax and let their gains work for them for the rest of their lives.

There is nothing more important than knowledge. It may benefit you now or later, but it always benefits.

When you invest in property that gains value, you have every right to keep as much of your proceeds as possible.

Take an hour of your time and find out if either a 1031/TIC exchange or a Private Annuity Trust makes sense for your unique situation.

Join me on the next call. It'll be the best hour you have ever spent. If you can't make the call, ask a question in the question box. I get them all directly and guarantee you a fast, personal response.

Paula Straub

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