Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holiday Wishes

Another year is fast approaching. 2006 is bringing a lot of exciting changes.

Keep checking out http://www.savegainstax.com. I am adding a qualifying questionnaire. It will allow you to find out if you are a good candidate for saving capital gains tax and only take a couple minutes to fill out.

Also look for audio snippets and a series of interviews with the experts. I am doing an interview with a tax professional, sponsor company exec, qualified intermediary and senior trust officer. You can get in on the initial calls or sign up for the replays. You will truly have information to help you make your best decision!

I am a bit overwhelmed with the technology involved, but it will truly be worth it. I am excited and look forward to a fantastic new year. I'll be sure and keep you up to date.

If there's anything you'd like to see added, drop me a line. Education is the key to informed choice.

Paula Straub

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