Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Preview Part IV- Interview with the Pros - inside glimpse

Well, I get more psyched every day. All the final touches are being put together by my webmaster for the "live" launch of my "Interview with the Pros" series.

It's been a labor of love and will provide so much concentrated knowledge on the different capital gains tax saving strategies. It also allows you to "meet" and get a feel for the experts that could be on your team.

Part IV is the interview with Anthony March, a Chief Trust Advisor for Private Annuity Trusts. He will be discussing:

What exactly are Private Annuity Trusts and why haven’t you heard much about them
• Why they often have advantages over Charitable Remainder Trusts
• How they can save you huge sums of capital gains for many different types of appreciated assets
Who should consider a PAT and why
• How does the IRS view PATs and when they might challenge them
• How does the type of ownership of your asset affect whether or not a PAT is even possible
• What kinds of costs are involved
• The three major components of a PAT and what can happen if even one is done incorrectly
• How assets can be invested within a PAT and what can cause the trust to not meet its obligations
What can go horribly wrong if the trust is not set up correctly
• How can PATs help immensely in estate, tax and retirement planning
• What is an annuitant and how do they differ from a beneficiary
How much control do you have over your asset once it’s placed in the trust
• What happens to the trust when you pass away
• When is a PAT not a good or even possible choice
What your attorney may not tell you

I hope to be sending out press releases by the end of the week. There will be an introductory rate for all my list subscribers to take advantage of.

This package will save you hundreds of hours of research!

Paula Straub

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