Monday, October 02, 2006

Capital Gains Tax Strategies Require Action

I spoke to a couple of people this past week that wish not to pay their capital gains tax, but they don't want to put any effort into the strategy on their end.

For example, a woman in her 70's is selling investment property. It is in escrow. She doesn't want to own another investment property but also doesn't want to consider doing a 1031 TIC exchange, a Private Annuity Trust or a Charitable Remainder Trust. The reason being she's just tired of the whole thing and doesn't want to do anything she hasn't heard of before.

Ok, that's great, but if she'd heard of any of these things and was familiar with them, she probably would already have put one of those strategies in place.

I wish I had a magic pill that would allow you to save all of your capital gains tax without any effort on your part. If your mind is closed to learning new concepts, I guess paying your taxes is the best option for you.

This particular lady will owe 100K if she just sells. She is retired and will never be able to recoup that money during her lifetime.

If this was my mother, I would encourage her to learn all she can about what her options are, and bring me, her tax person, attorney, or any other party she trusts in to help her understand and make her choice.

It really comes down to this. How important is 100K or whatever your amount of tax owed is to your future income stream and legacy.

If you won't miss it, then by all means give it to the IRS. They are happy to take all they can get. Just don't complain later because you didn't make the effort to educate yourself.

Paula Straub

ps. Call me for your free consultation and know what your options are. (760)917-0858

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