Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Wishes and Thanks

I believe it's a good idea to just take a day and be truly grateful for whatever blessings that we do have in life.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to educate you and to keep you up to date and informed on the latest capital gains tax strategies. I so appreciate whenever you take the time to send an email or chat in person.

There have been a great deal of changes on the tax front this year, and most have been for the good once the dust has cleared. 2007 promises to be an even better year for helping clients hang onto more of their profits.

I am personally thankful for surviving a "No Change" IRS tax audit this week. All I can say is that it pays to follow all the IRS rules and to keep good records and documentation!

Even though I did things correctly, I spent many hours preparing all of the documentation requested and dreading the unknown. I don't wish this experience on anyone, but you honestly don't know when your number will come up during the "random" audit selection process.

If you don't know what you need to do when filing taxes, be sure and hire someone competent who does. You too will be thankful when everything is picked apart with a fine tooth comb and they go away satisfied.

Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday.

Paula Straub

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