Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Simply Wealth On Hiatus

I’ve really enjoyed being the host of Simply Wealth on WebTalkRadio over the past 15 months, and wanted to let you know I’m taking a break to concentrate on exciting new ventures.

Anyone who has hosted a weekly radio show will appreciate the amount of time and effort that goes into preparing, taping, editing, uploading, etc. I developed a regular following of about 30K listeners on a weekly basis and appreciate all who faithfully tuned in.

I will keep my radio email open for any general questions on financial matters and try to keep up with replying as time allows. This address is SimplyWealthShow@gmail.com . You can also listen to my archived shows at www.savegains.com by clicking on the link to “Listen to My Radio Show Simply Wealth”.

You can also follow me on Twitter. My name there is @savegainstax . This is a whole new concept for me which allows short updates of new developments and interesting tidbits.

While waiting for the credit markets to unfreeze, stay tuned for info on some local seminars I will be offering which will really benefit certain deserving individuals. More info to follow.

Paula Straub
Fill out a Confidential Qualification Questionnaire and see if you qualify to save capital gains tax. Go to

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